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The Company’s plant is located in Kolhapur, Maharashtra (India) and is equipped with 22368 spindles. Furthermore, there are 14 doublers at its Kolhapur Works. Some of the machines are imported from prominent and leading international textile machinery suppliers.

At Company’s plant, raw cotton is converted into yarn. The Company’s business is mainly manufacture of cotton yarn.


Approximately 3500 metric tons P.A Combed Cotton Yarn.


Product Type On Offer:

• Ring Spun Yarn and Twisted TFO Double Yarn for Weaving
• Hosiery Yarn for knitting
• 100% Combed Cotton (Ne 20’s- Ne 40’s)
• Slub (Ne 20’s- Ne 40’s)
• Cotton Core Lycra (Ne 20’s- Ne 40’s)
• Blended Yarn (Ne 20’s- Ne 40’s)
• TFO (Ne 2/10- Ne 2/40’s)